From AUB Libraries News:
The AUB Libraries and the American International Consortium of Academic Libraries (AMICAL) are jointly organizing a week-long (May 27-31st, 2013) workshop on RDA, the Resource Description and Access new cataloging standard which is currently being implemented across libraries in the world. Led by Ms. Lori Robare (University of Oregon), and Ms. Iman Dagher (UCLA), the workshop offers a general overview of cataloging rules in RDA, highlights changes and differences with the previous cataloging rules (AACR2), and offers hands-on exercises and modules. Participants include AMICAL members from various countries (Bulgaria, Egypt, Morocco, Kuwait, Lebanon), as well as invited guests from the Lebanese National Library and the Lebanese University, in addition to AUB Library staff. The workshop is generously supported by AUB, AMICAL and sponsors (Elsevier, ProQuest and Levant).