This session comprised of three presentations on learning models of information literacy and instructional technology. The session included three presentations:
Cognitive apprenticeship: a model for information literacy instruction in a virtual reference environment, by Mary Kickham-Samy
Information literacy as complex learning, by Anguelina Popova
On the threshold of a new era: information literacy and Generation Z, by Dannie Chalk & Krasimir Spasov
In the first presentation, Mary Kickham-Samy highlighted the importance of identifying learning opportunities via virtual reference. She also suggested a cognitive apprenticeship model comprised of six points including modeling, scaffolding, fading, coaching, visibility and meta-cognitive activities. She also suggested some recommendations to make the goals and strategies of information literacy more visible to the students.
In the second presentation Anguelina Popova discussed critical thinking exercises and information literacy as complex learning. She discussed the importance of complex learning because it create knowledge, skills and attitudes. She also discussed the four components of information literacy as complex learning including learning tasks, supportive information, procedural information and part task practice. In the last she also mentioned three holistic scenarios of complex learning.
The third presentation was a team presentation by Karismir Spasov and Dannie Chalk. The speakers discussed information literacy requirements by generation Z. The speaker discussed presented the background of how the world has changed with the inventions such as the Internet, Google, the iPhone, WiFi and how they affected people’s lives. They also discussed that new generation of students dislike traditional lecture method and they see graphics as a quick way to understand. They also presented their experience and research on a cloud-based instructional platform.
Image credit: Dimana Doneva / See more