I’m excited to share the news that ACRL has officially launched a book that AMICAL has been collaborating with them to develop over the past few years: Library Partnerships in International Liberal Arts Education: Building Relationships Across Cultural and Institutional Lines.
The book reports on innovative library partnerships that cut across lines of cultural and institutional boundaries, but also across professional boundaries, at AMICAL’s international liberal arts institutions. Its 10 chapters are authored by 16 librarians, faculty members and instructional technologists from 6 AMICAL member institutions in as many different countries.
It’s an engaging collection of challenges, inspired initiatives, and hard-won insights about library partnerships in our unique and changing institutional contexts. I know it’ll be of interest to colleagues in many countries around the world, and I’m very proud to have had the opportunity to work with co-editor Kara Malenfant (Senior Strategist for Special Initiatives at ACRL) and the 15 other authors from AMICAL member institutions who contributed to this project. Although I wish this came at another time, rather than a moment when we are all struggling with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s gratifying and encouraging to see AMICAL colleagues’ experiences and wisdom being shared beyond the boundaries of our own consortium and its forums and conferences.
The book is available for purchase in the ALA Store, and you can check our book launch page to find out more about the book, the AMICAL authors and their contributed chapters, and the AMICAL-ACRL project that led to the book.