As part of AMICAL’s 2018-2021 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for “Building Leadership and Capacity for Digital Liberal Arts across AMICAL”, a cohort of approximately 15 colleagues from member institutions will be given project support over a period of months centered around group-coordinated participation in the Digital Humanities Institute - Beirut (DHI-B) 2019. We invite you to consider applying for the cohort, if possible as a team with one or two other colleagues from your institution.
The cohort program follows a model similar to last year’s successful AMICAL cohort to DHSI 2018 and seeks in particular teams that:
- are leading projects or initiatives in digital humanities, or digital interdisciplinary scholarship or pedagogy, in liberal arts environments
- are composed of faculty, librarians, technologists and/or academic administrators
- have formed around a project that would clearly be served by participation in DHI-B
See “Who should apply”, below, for categories of projects and other information about what we’re looking for.
The cohort of teams will attend DHI-B with financial support from AMICAL, but they will also participate in pre-event and post-event webinars, discussions, and consultations organized by AMICAL. The pre- and post-event activities are designed to maximize the impact of cohort participation on the team’s projects, on their institution, and on AMICAL as a collaborative network. See Cohort activities & post-cohort opportunities for more detail, including a variety of AMICAL-funded programs supporting digital humanities projects that the cohort will have access to.
The Chief Academic Officer of your institution will be receiving shortly a similar announcement, encouraging them to identify one or more local teams to endorse. If you have a team or project that aligns well with this cohort, get in touch with your provost or dean to let them know you’re thinking about applying. The application itself will need to be forwarded to AMICAL by the provost/dean, as explained below.
Build your team and apply
Here’s what you can do to get a team from your institution into the AMICAL cohort to DHI-B:
- Share this message with faculty, librarians, technologists and/or deans who might be interested in joining the cohort as a project-based team.
- Read carefully Who should apply, Expectations of participants, and the application criteria.
- Define your project and team.
- Notify your institution’s AMICAL representative that you are preparing your application.
- Discuss your team and project with your provost/dean.
- Review the DHI-B workshop offerings and the Cohort-focused elements of DHI-B.
- Preview the application form and draft your responses.
- Send your application to your provost/dean, asking them to endorse and forward your application to contact@amicalnet.org by midnight 3 March (deadline for teams; deadline for individuals will be posted later if space is available).
See How to apply for a more complete guide to preparing a cohort application.
Limits for cohort numbers and support
Endorsement by your provost/dean does not guarantee your application will be accepted for the cohort, since our grant resources limit the numbers we can support, and since our application criteria may give higher priority to certain kinds of team or project. For applications accepted from Full and Affiliate member institutions, however, AMICAL would fully cover airfare and accommodations. The DHI-B registration fee is covered for all participants by the event sponsors. See What’s covered for more information. Keep in mind that no more than 4 individuals may be included in the applications endorsed and submitted from any one institution, and teams are limited to 3 people.
Not all applicants can be accepted, but we hope to have as many AMICAL teams as possible joining the cohort. Detailed information about the target profiles for applicants is shown below. Complete information about the cohort program is posted on the AMICAL cohort to DHI-B website, but any questions can be sent to contact@amicalnet.org.
Media credits
- Raouché rocks by Etienne Boulanger / CC0