The election is underway for the officers of the next Coordinating Committee. Their term will start on 1 October 2019 and conclude on 30 September 2021. The current Vice-Chair – Evi Tramantza (American College of Thessaloniki) – will be taking over as Chair. The three remaining officers (Vice-Chair, Secretary, Member-at-Large) will be elected by members of the consortium. More details about these roles and the overall work of the committee were provided in the call for nominations.
The voting members for this election are the AMICAL Representatives of Full Member institutions. They have already received detailed instructions by email, including a link that allows them to cast one ballot on behalf of their institution.
As the consortium’s Operational Guidelines state:
“The Local AMICAL Representative plays a pivotal role in advancing AMICAL’s mission, and promoting the consortium and its spirit of collaboration as a group, by representing the member institution’s stakeholders, be they librarians, technologists, faculty, or administrators.”
Before casting their votes for up to three candidates, the representatives will discuss the merits of all candidates with local colleagues, especially those that have a stake in AMICAL’s activities.
If you’re involved in AMICAL’s activities and belong to a Full Member institution, we encourage you to review the list of candidates and discuss them with your Representative.
Ideally, Coordinating Committee members should have experience relevant to AMICAL’s mission and current grant goals, as well as a consortial mindset that will allow them to support AMICAL in the planning, steering and evaluation of its programs. To help you in this evaluation, the list above includes a link to each candidate’s AMICAL profile, as well as a statement by each candidate addressing their qualifications for joining the committee and potential contributions to its work.
At the same time, we are looking for three candidates who, along with Evi Tramantza, will offer broad representation across the following areas, to the extent possible:
- professional roles (faculty, technologist, librarian, administrator)
- institution size
- geographic region
Thanks to the Election Committee (Nikolina Ivanova-Bell, Evi Tramantza, and Fatmeh Charafeddine) for overseeing this process and to all of the candidates for agreeing to stand.
Representatives of Full Member institutions: start reaching out to your colleagues and make sure to submit your votes before the deadline of 8 September!