AMICAL 2023 will take place 24–26 May 2023 at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. This will mark the consortium’s 20th annual conference!
The AMICAL Conference brings together staff and faculty from the consortium’s 29 international liberal arts institutions. AMICAL members and invited experts share their challenges, solutions and inspiration for improving libraries, technology and pedagogy in our uniquely international and intercultural environments.
The Call for Proposals will be announced later in the fall, and registration will open early in 2023. We’ll be posting additional details about the program, financial support opportunities, accommodation, and the venue over the coming months.
Target audience
This year’s conference will give particular focus to AMICAL members in positions of leadership on their campuses, and especially those interested in collaborating with their peers across AMICAL. These might include:
- Leaders (formal or informal) in areas relevant to AMICAL’s mission and strategic priorities, such as libraries, faculty development, instructional design, academic and instructional technology, writing centers and First Year Experience programs.
- Leaders of AMICAL committees, projects, and initiatives.
- Other members whose contributions can inform the collaborative work of the above groups.
Several invited international speakers, combined with a majority of sessions led by AMICAL members themselves, will create an event mixing global perspectives with local relevance. Sessions will include interactive presentations, workshops and discussions to address collaborative approaches to topics such as:
- Leadership
- Digital pedagogy and scholarship
- Information, digital & other literacies
- Open education & scholarship
- Cost reduction for library and information resources
- Other other topics that AMICAL’s committees, interest groups and members have identified as being of importance
Drawing on feedback from key stakeholders across the consortium, the program will include a strong component of networking, helping to cultivate collaborative relationships among the target audience.
AMICAL members may share their own “Suggestions for the AMICAL 2023 program” via AMICAL Connect for consideration by the Program Committee.
Exhibition & sponsorship opportunities
Our sponsorship program will invite vendors of products related to libraries, learning and technology. Vendors interested in connecting with Conference attendees can let us know by sending an email to contact@amicalnet.org and we’ll follow up with you once we finalize the details of the sponsorship program.
What to expect
If you’ve never attended an AMICAL Conference, have a look at the websites of our previous conferences to get a feel for what our events are about.