Are you interested in the Digital Humanities Institute - Beirut, but you did not have a team and project to propose for the AMICAL cohort to DHI-B? Given the large number of applications we’ve received from project teams, we are unable to accept applications for the cohort from individuals. However, there are still some ways in which AMICAL may be able to help you attend DHI-B or other digital humanities events over the coming year.
(AMICAL Representatives: please share this information right away with any local colleagues who might be interested.)
Apply for a micro-grant to DHI-B
A limited number of €500 micro-grants will be made available on a competitive basis to AMICAL colleagues wishing to participate in DHI-B. No more than 5 DHI-B micro-grants in total will be awarded, and no more than one DHI-B micro-grant will be awarded to any one institution.
To apply for a DHI-B micro-grant:
- Review the Small Grant guidelines and the application form (for Professional Development).
- Ensure that you or your institution would be able to cover any costs for you participation that go beyond €500.
- Draft your micro-grant application according to the review criteria.
- Under “Describe how the activity clearly aligns with and supports your role”, be sure to answer this in terms of the specific short workshop and long workshop that you wish to attend. If there is an appropriate second choice, explain this as well, in case your first choice is canceled.
- Submit your Small Grant application form no later than 24 March, selecting “Professional Development” as category and indicating no more than €500 for the “Total requested amount”.
You will be notified by 25 March whether your micro-grant application has been accepted. All responses will be definitive, and no revisions of applications will be possible. If your micro-grant is approved, you will need to register for the DHI-B event as an attendee by 26 March.
Side note: our Small Grant guidelines normally do not allow applications related to AMICAL-sponsored events, which have their own travel support programs. However, AMICAL’s Coordinating Committee officers decided to make an exception for DHI-B, because of the strong interest in DHI-B, but also because our program to fund a DHI-B cohort provides year-long team-based project support, which makes it fundamentally different from the micro-grants proposed here for individual DHI-B attendance for training.
Other forms of AMICAL support for DH projects and training
Aside from DHI-B, AMICAL maintains a list of Recommended professional development events, many of which are focused on the digital humanities. If you are seeking training related to digital humanities, you may want to apply for Small Grant support to attend one of these events.
If you need financial support for a digital humanities project that fits the scope of our Small Grants program, you’ll be able to apply for a Small Grant for that after the application cycle ending 7 April.
AMICAL will be organizing a series of DH-themed webinars throughout the year, beginning this April. These will be open to all AMICAL members, and you’re welcome at any time to send us a suggestion for a webinar speaker, a topic, or a question or challenge to address.
As part of the “Capacity-building programs for the digital liberal arts” built into our current grant from the Mellon Foundation, AMICAL will also be organizing other forms of DH-themed training, consultation and project support over the coming 2 years. More information about these opportunities will be posted on our website and in particular on AMICAL Connect (AMICAL members can create a Connect account here if you don’t have one already).
Media credits
- Raouché rocks by Etienne Boulanger / CC0