Computer-assisted textual analysis with Voyant Tools, Antconc, and CLiC (2/2) – Pedagogical applications
This is the second of a two-part workshop series on computer-assisted textual analysis led by Najla Jarkas, AMICAL’s Digital Liberal Arts Mellon Fellow. You may attend both or just one of the workshops.
This session on will carry on from where we left the training in the previous workshop. We will discuss different ways to integrate Voyant Tools, Antconc, and CLiC in the syllabus, examining a variety of potential assignments and how to grade them. This session will conclude with an overview on how to prepare students for such assignments and support them in the process of building their corpora, interpreting and reporting their results.
Who should attend?
- Participants who are unfamiliar with the tools and did not attend the first session are encouraged to view the presentation slides so they are better prepared to participate in an informed way.
- Participants who are already familiar with the tools are encouraged to bring samples of relevant assignments and rubrics to discuss and share with other participants.
This workshop will not be recorded. If you are interested but not able to attend, you can request personalized training from the Mellon Fellow.