In this session, attendees will learn how to provide subject access to non-English materials in the language of the script and how to link the non-English term to external sources via linked data techniques. This will allow users to search the catalog by subject in their preferred language. The presentation will address the following questions: Can MARC21 records be utilized to display non-English subject terms in the integrated library system (ILS)? Can non-English terms be linked to FAST subject terms? Can users search the library catalog by subject terms in their preferred languages, e.g., Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, or French?
Upon completion of this session, attendees will have learned how to provide access to non-English materials in the language of the script and link non-English terms to external sources with linked data.
Who should attend? Metadata, cataloging, area studies, subject librarians, and decision makers. (Participation to this event is restricted to AMICAL members.)
Presenter: Magda El-Sherbini is currently the Middle East & Islamic Studies Librarian at the Ohio State University Library. Prior to this, she was the Head of Cataloging. She is the author of RDA: Strategies for Implementation (ALA Editions, Chicago, 2013). She regularly teaches online courses on RDA for ALA.
The meeting will not be recorded, but the slides will be made available by the presenter.
The webinar will be conducted using Zoom. Read our guidelines for more information.