For AMICAL members only
Event info
The next meeting of the Information & Digital Literacy Journal Club will be led by Araz Markosian (American University of Armenia) and Fadia Al Akhras (American University of Kuwait). We will discuss the article “Algorithmic Literacy and the Role for Libraries”by Michael Ridley and Danica Pawlick-Potts published in 2021. The authors bring out the skill gap in navigating the algorithms’ (AI) driven information landscape not addressed by our current information and digital literacy programs, and the role for libraries in this regard.
Here are some of the discussion points:
- Considering how algorithms are transforming the information landscape and practices, how does this reflect on the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education? (How do we find, access, evaluate, use, and create information?)
- Should we address Algorithmic Literacy through our courses/sessions (IL, library, or other disciplinary…)? Or can we embed Algorithmic Literacy in programs/initiatives teaching other literacies? (e.g. Media Literacy, Data Literacy, Privacy, Digital Citizenship, etc.)
- Do you have experience or ideas for integrating Algorithmic Literacy to your courses/sessions?
- Are there other opportunities or solutions that the library can initiate to raise awareness and teach Algorithmic Literacy?
- Are you aware of Algorithmic Literacy initiatives/programs for the students/staff/faculty/librarians/public in your institution/country?