The LibQUAL Survey Results webinar will provide a brief background on the survey components, customization process, and dimensions and will focus on survey results and how to interpret them. Amy Yeager and Angela Pappalardo will go over the notebook structure and interpreting your results: interpretation frameworks, interpreting the charts, and interpreting the comments. There will be a brief discussion on the practical applications that can come from running a survey, including ranking services and communicating results. Then, Mr. Michael Maciel from Texas A&M University will discuss how his institution has implemented change as a result of the LibQUAL survey data.
How should attend: The webinar is open to all AMICAL members and will be especially helpful to library directors and staff responsible for library assessment.
The webinar will be recorded and made available to AMICAL members.
Organised by Evi Tramantza and Asma Al Kanan on behalf of the former Research and Assessment Committee.
Webinar structure:
- Brief overview of survey components, customization, and running a survey (Angela Pappalardo & Amy Yeager, ARL)
- Discussion of survey results and interpreting the results (Angela Pappalardo & Amy Yeager, ARL)
- Examples of practical applications and additional resources (Michael Maciel, Texas A&M University).
Additional resources:
- LibQUAL 2013 sample report
- Improving Library Service Quality to Graduate Students: LibQual+ TM Survey Results in a Practical Setting by Maria Anna Jankowska, Karen Hertel, and Nancy J. Young. DOI:
- How to Get More From Your Quantitative LibQUAL+™ Dataset: Making Results Practical by Bradford W. Dennis and Tim Bowe