Why ‘Open’ matters in a GenAI world
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Organized by the OSUN Library Resources Program and made available to AMICAL members.
The word ‘open’ means many things to many people, but it is always about who gets to participate and who gets to decide. It is, fundamentally, about valuing the ‘who’ – it is about the empowerment of people. A commitment to openness, this presentation will argue, is a way to maintain the nuance and complexity of multiple voices in order to compete with the increasing reductionist texts produced by GenAI systems.
Presented by: Dave Cormier, University of Windsor. With 25 years of experience as teacher, researcher and author, Dave is interested in how technologies change what it means to learn and to have learned. He is currently a learning specialist for digital strategy and special project at the Office of Open Learning at the University of Windsor in Ontario Canada. His new book Learning in a Time of Abundance: The Community is the Curriculum will be released by Johns Hopkins University Press in January 2024.