6 May 2018
Room 330 & Gallery
The presentation aims to describe the experience of a collaborative pilot- project, in which a faculty and librarian worked jointly to develop a Co-Design instructional course model that integrates ACRL Information Literacy Standards in the instructional process of a humanities course at the undergraduate level at Al Akawayn University.
The presentation describes the development and implementation of a unique Co-Design Information Literacy integration experience into a humanities course that focuses on surveying and teaching the history of the Arabic-speaking lands from the rise of Islam to the present to undergraduate students at AUI during the course of the Fall session 2017. It highlights and describes the prospects of an Information Literacy integration initiative and the challenges faced while implementing a Co-Design collaborative project, whereby a faculty and librarian partnered together to integrate two Frames of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education as learning outcome(s) into the syllabus of a humanities course. The presentation, also, provides evidence that faculty-librarian collaboration to teach and integrate information literacy skill into the curriculum is the most effective pedagogical method to teach students research skills, and ultimately ameliorate their overall academic performances. 32 undergraduate students attending “History of the Arab World” course were offered a unique information literacy Co-Design educational integrating model grounded on the principle of the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards information resources as well as their experience of the research process are investigated before, during and after the learning activity.