15 May 2014
Classroom 606
This session will launch a discussion of a proposal that AMICAL members should consider forming a collaboration within OCLC’s QuestionPoint (QP) service in order to provide a 24/7 virtual reference service for their respective academic communities. In a series of three five-minute presentations, the facilitators will describe AUCs experience in implementing a 24/7 virtual reference service with QP during this academic year. They will also explain how QP’s ‘collaborative-within-a-collaborative’ model works. In addition, they will provide answers to specific questions regarding the cost in time and money for this service, as well as quality control issues. Next, the attendees will break into small groups to discuss the proposal for 15 minutes, and then, for another 15 minutes, they will reconvene for further discussion and a question-answer session. The session will conclude with a summary of main points.