Beyond Co-design! Next steps for ACRL Framework collaboration
6 May 2018
Conference hall (CH)
The focus of this panel will be to discuss the impact of the Co-Design workshop signature elements. In particular, it will be interesting to hear faculty members discuss questions on how to sustain and institutionalize emerging practices and how the co-designed lessons learned can translate into broader IL curriculum design.
Two signature elements of the Co-design workshop organized by the AMICAL Information Literacy Committee were:
- The collaboration of librarians and faculty on course design; and
- The integration of information literacy learning goals and activities explicitly into the syllabus (co-designed courses in Fall 2017).
The panel will focus on the question: what impact have the signature elements (library-faculty collaboration & syllabus integration) produced? Two questions in particular will be interesting to discuss:
- What are strategies for sustaining and institutionalizing those ideas and practices?
- How can the lessons learned from co-design translate into changes in information literacy program design, general education frameworks, and other institution-level frameworks?
The panel presentation will be introduced and moderated by Tatevik Zargaryan (AUA). She will present initial findings of the co-design survey (conducted in January 2018 by the AMICAL Information Literacy Committee) and librarians perspectives on the co-designed courses. Her presentation will be followed by short presentations from faculty members. The main discussion will focus on the questions of impact, sustainability and lessons learned from the co-design experience.