7 May 2018
Room 330 & Gallery
AUP is currently testing two structures, one to help students track their co-curricular and experiential learning activities and the second to help them understand the skills they have acquired and how to construct a narrative around them for graduate schools and future employers.
Many institutions of higher learning are seeking ways to help students articulate the professional and lifelong-learning skills they are acquiring in their co-curricular activities and experiential learning. To that end, the American University of Paris is currently testing two new structures for an autumn launch, the Co-Curricular Record (CCR) and the Global Professional Skills (GPS) program. The former uses CAMS, already in place at the institution and therefore at no additional cost, to pull data into an easily-readable form that students can consult when constructing CVs or graduate school applications, while the latter teaches students how to shape their skills into a narrative which can then be tested competitively before a panel of assessors, including professional advisors, community business people, and university trustees.