31 March 2019
Moataz Al Alfi Hall
Can we deepen cognitive processing through cross-cultural online story-building? I’ll present collaborative student writing examples from online storytelling games as a model for what could be inter-institutional collaborations between students.
In this CIE, I present student writing examples from two online game builds, Elegy For a Dead World, and the platform Twine. Community members will see student writing developed around and through playing these games. My presentation poses questions about how students can develop deep cognitive processing by using each others’ perspectives and their own imagination simultaneously. My primary goal in presenting and sharing some data is to illuminate the function of online gaming platforms while proposing possible collaborative storytelling modes within the classroom, between departments, but especially between institutions. My goal in presenting at AMICAL is specific to reaching other AMICAL institutions and faculty in hope that students from across the globe can collaborate in ways that expand their cultural understanding and develop their compassion.