30 March 2019
Conference Center P020
This session aims at exploring content ownership in the digital age and will encourage discussions on how some learning universities are dealing with openness. Participants in the session will be invited to collaboratively draft a guiding framework for AMICAL institutions that will include the needed policy and its related procedures.
With the emergence of digital technology and new forms of media, many new questions have arisen about the definition of online content ownership. With the added emphasis on the importance of openness with respect to digital learning, institutions are still in discussion on ways to optimize the value of their own educational content, preserving their intellectual property while still contributing to making education more accessible. The best policies and practices of copyright ownership of e-learning course materials by faculty members recognize and balance the rights of individual creators and contributors, as well as the needs of institutions as communities of scholars and learners.
The main topics covered during the session are:
- Key players and their roles
- Who can re-use/ sell content?
- Is some content exempted from policies of openness?
- AMICAL institutions’ views on openness
- Participants in the session will be invited to collaboratively draft a guiding framework for AMICAL institutions that will include the needed policy and its related procedures.