Creating interactive learning experiences with Metaverse
30 March 2019
Library P016
Learn how to create your own interactive content experiences with Metaverse! Metaverse is a free platform that lets you create interactive content and Augmented Reality experiences such as games, stories, quizzes, polls, and more for educational purposes. It has a lot of potential applications for faculty members and librarians alike.
Come create your own interactive content experiences with Metaverse! Before the workshop, attendees will be asked to think of a project (a mini-interactive content experience), to download the Metaverse app, and to create a Metaverse account. The project/experience could be anything from a game that builds information literacy skills to a scavenger hunt that helps students find resources for a research project or a fun quiz that covers major course material for say a media/biology/English class.
The workshop itself will involve a hands-on tutorial with attendees following step-by-step on computers. Once the basics of Metaverse have been covered, attendees will work on their own project and will then “test it” on other attendees to get feedback and tips. Metaverse can positively impact students’ interest and enthusiasm for learning.