29 May 2015
BAC: Auditorium
I will give feedback on my participation in the ACRL Immersion Program (Assessment Track) last fall. I will focus on the life-cycle of assessment, clarify terms such as assessment -of, -as, and -for learning, and share an assessment plan that I developed during the workshop. The structure of the assessment plan will be a concrete take-away for participants.
In November 2014, the AMICAL Small Grant allowed me to participate in one of the well-known workshops of the ACRL Immersion Program - the Assessment Track (a four day workshop). I believe that it is now my turn to give back to the AMICAL network the knowledge, skills and attitudes that I gained from this highly interactive experience and its constructivist approach.
In my presentation, I will not cover all of the topics, exercises, and slides that were covered during the workshop. Instead, I will first present the big picture and put the life-cycle of assessment in the center of my presentation (Gilchrist 2009). In my second step, I will then focus on clarifying and defining certain terms such as learning goals and assessment-of, -as, and -for learning (Earl 2004). In my final step, I will share an assessment plan that I developed during the workshop. The outline of the assessment plan will then be a concrete take-away from my presentation as well.
As the ACRL Immersion program is built upon the idea of learning-by-doing, I will include hands-on group activities in order to engage the participants.
- Earl, Lorna M. “Assessment of Learning, for Learning, and as Learning.” Assessment as Learning: Using Classroom Assessment to Maximize Student Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2004. 21-28. Print.
- Gilchrist, Debra L. “A Twenty Year Path: Learning about assessment; learning from assessment”. Communications in Information Literacy, 3(2), n.p., 2009. Web.
Michael Stoepel
User Services Librarian,
American University of Paris
Ann Borel
Formerly Director and Librarian, Academic Resource Center,
American University of Paris
Michael Stoepel
Ann BorelFormerly Director and Librarian, Academic Resource Center, American University of Paris