19 May 2017
GSR 1 (Library)
This session will provide AMICAL consortium members with some one-on-one consultation about digital scholarly projects they may be considering.
Would you like to get going on some digital scholarly projects in your institution? Have an idea for a project, but you aren’t quite sure that it is focused enough for an AMICAL digital scholarship small grant? This session will provide some one-on-one consultation with members of the AMICAL digital scholarship committee about digital scholarly projects you might be considering. The facilitator(s) will schedule 15 minute sessions with individuals or groups from AMICAL institutions who would like to discuss the viability and potential of particularly digital scholarly projects.
Projects can be at all different stages of gestation, but preference will be given to those who submit a rough one-page project “concept document” in advance of the conference to dw04@aub.edu.lb by 1 May 2017.
Questions that groups can answer in this document include:
- What is the title of the project?
- What materials are involved in order to carry out this project? Archives? Data? Images?
- Do you have these materials already? If not, how do you intend to acquire them?
- Who is involved in this project? How are their different forms of expertise complementary? Are there any skills missing? that need to be acquired?
- What do you hope to achieve in this project?
- Does the project have a timeline?
Walk-in consultations will be accepted, time permitting.