Engage students in creative multimedia content production: A new model of faculty-IT-student collaboration in a learning intensive world
14 June 2013
Aula Magna Regina
Student-centered teaching and learning is widely accepted as the most effective pedagogy to be used in Higher Education and has gained tremendous popularity over conventional lecture-based teaching. Similarly the rapid development of educational technology has enabled students to engage with learning in a variety of new and creative ways which enable students to acquire and demonstrate a variety of new skills in the process of learning. Producing multimedia assignments is one such area where students can enhance their own individual and group learning experiences by creatively producing new content in their courses. Given the innovative nature of these developments it has also necessitated that faculty collaborate closely with IT colleagues and with students in order to explore and implement exciting new educational technologies in the learning process. This paper will highlight such collaboration in an undergraduate course at the American University in Cairo and evaluate the experience as well as discuss lessons learned.