Expanding oral history access through a transcription and translation initiative: The Qurna Oral History Project at AUC
Community Idea Exchange
15 June 2022
Beyond the actual interviews, extensive efforts are required to make oral histories accessible for research. This presentation examines how this was achieved for the interviews generated by the Qurna Oral History project that documented elders of a village in southern Egypt. Supported by an AMICAL Small Grant, transcripts and translations were prepared for interviews made available in AUC’s digital library. The goal of expanding accessibility via translation of the original Arabic transcripts into English (and related challenges) will be addressed, along with the dynamics of the team effort needed, and the ways personnel engaged with (and benefitted from) the project.
Stephen Urgola
University Archivist,
American University in Cairo
Session resources
Slides 942.96 KB
Stephen Urgola
University Archivist,
American University in Cairo