19 May 2017
Ground Level Library
This presentation is on using content analysis software MAXQDA in evaluating the focus of syllabi. The software allows for an analysis of syllabi content and stated learning outcomes as compared to Bloom’s taxonomy verbs. It allows to see whether a syllabus is teacher or student centered.
In the context of analysing the quality of teaching and learning offered at the university, a content analysis software (MAXQDA) was used to study the learning outcomes as stated in syllabi across the university, and more specifically whether these proposed outcomes are student- centered. The pilot used actual syllabi and a list of verbs corresponding to Bloom’s taxonomy. The results showed that the formulation of the learning outcomes is predominantly at the lower levels of the taxonomy and not appropriate for the level of the courses The demonstration will have 2 mains purposes: teachers could test the student-centeredness of their syllabus in real time; administrators or other staff responsible for quality assurance can see how this type of analysis can be used to evaluate teachers’ ability to formulate learning outcomes and the alignment of these outcomes within the curriculum and the department’s/ university’s vision of teaching and learning.
Anguelina Popova
Assistant Professor & Director of AUCA's Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology,
American University of Central Asia
Ekaterina Kombarova
Deputy Director, CTLT,
American University of Central Asia
Anguelina Popova
Ekaterina KombarovaDeputy Director, CTLT, American University of Central Asia