15 June 2022
To serve at the core of intellectual life, the transformation of academic library spaces, both physical and digital, is necessary to keep up with and ahead of an ever-changing academic landscape and to continue supporting holistic student learning. Given the tumult of recent years in the global landscape of education, many of us are currently asking ourselves, what does holistic support of student learning in library space and place currently mean, and what does that look like?
As our learners face stressors like climate change, social inequity, systemic oppression and persisting health and safety concerns related to the pandemic, how does current context shape the meaning of what an academic library is as a means of support to student learning communities? How has the role of libraries changed, and how can academic libraries continue to serve as a center of academic community life?
Building, supporting, and sustaining effective student learning communities as space and place requires proactive assessment of students, campus climate, and pedagogical direction. Regardless of the current conditions in which we find ourselves and our communities, the role of continued, iterative community assessment is necessary to meet current needs and stay ahead of what is on the horizon.