16 January 2020
Implementing Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Liberal Arts (LA) through Digital Apps is a 5-7 minute Power Point session. It aims to share what and how digital apps could be used at selected stages of projects conceived by students within the framework of such LA courses as First/Second -Year Seminars. The target audience is the instructors of various disciplines. The novelty of the presentation is that along with project stages and activities, the speaker is going to consider such mobile apps as MovieMaker, VoxVote, and iziTRAVEL. In addition, the attendees will receive a handout with links to the educational apps that could be used as a prompt in implementing the project within their own LA courses. Besides the benefits of using digital technologies, the speaker will talk about possible drawbacks that instructors might face while implementing digital apps in their courses. Finally, the presenter will be ready to answer the questions raised by attendees.