30 May 2015
BAC: 2nd Floor Lobby
Assessment and engagement are keywords in the educational field. As educators, we try to find the best and most appropriate tools that can help us promote learning in a most engaging environment. The purpose of this presentation is to overview how Socrative, a simple and user-friendly response tool, is being used in English classes to make learning more enjoyable, challenging, and visible. The emphasis of the presentation is to show how by efficiently using this tool, students’ learning tend to be visible and learners will ask for more on the go assessment.
Assessment and engagement are keywords in the educational field. As educators, we try to find the best and most appropriate tools that can help us promote learning in a most engaging environment. Socrative is a quick response tool that offers educators and learners instances of understanding how learning is evolving and accordingly adapting the teaching process. Users can promptly observe learner’s progress. There might be many quick response tools available in the market. What makes Socrative remarkable is being user-friendly, accessible, engaging, and (so far) free.
The purpose of this presentation is to overview how Socrative, a simple and user-friendly response tool, is being used in English classes to make learning more enjoyable, challenging, and visible. The emphasis of the presentation is to show how by efficiently using what this tool has to offer, students’ learning tend to be visible and learners ask for more on the go assessment and what student consider as gaming.
Attendees will receive a collection of assessment and engagement tools and have first-hand experience with Socrative. Tips on how to pedagogically use this tool will be highlighted.
Attendees who are already using this tool may share their experience.