5 May 2018
Room 330 & Gallery
The website is the main way for a library to interact with the end users and to offer access to its services. We’ll present the results of a user experience test, the building of the new website, and the new research outcome so that we further improve our website.
The website is the main way for a library to interact with the end users and to offer access to its services. For this reason the library website needs to be effective, easily accessible, and user friendly. In 2015 we conducted with Dimitris Diamantis, the Business Liaison for ACT, a research including various user experience tests in order to collect information on the challenges the students were facing and their insight of how they would like our website to be. Based on the data collected we proceeded to rebuilding our library website, which was launched on September 2017. A marketing campaign was organized to disseminate the information; the Information Literacy instruction was vital in making students aware of the use of any new features. At the end of the Fall 2017 semester we conducted a research to find the students’ and faculty perceptions on our new library website. This presentation will focus on the results of the user experience test, the building of the new website, such as the platform, the obstacles, etc., as well as the results of the new research in order to further improve our website.