26 May 2023
B4 - Classroom 002
Requirements: Attendees will need a laptop or tablet to access and edit a shared Google Doc.
This workshop would address best practices with end-of-project management, digital preservation issues, and ways to move forward with new course-integrated digital projects and/or collaborations.
Participants come prepared to work in their existing collaborations or with other interested parties to discuss the following items:
- Is your project in planning, continuous or a one-off collaboration? If in planning, what would a successful conclusion look like? If on going, how do you move forward? If a one-off that is ending, what could have been achieved in an ideal scenario?
- What were the institutional challenges that you faced and how did you go about addressing them (or working around them)?
- What opportunities did this collaboration make possible? What other opportunities are available on your campus and with other off-campus partners?
- How will you plan to preserve the pedagogical materials and/or digital products and share them with colleagues and AMICAL members? What is preserved and what does not need to be saved?
- How do you assess the success of the project?
Jeffrey W. McClurken
Professor of History & American Studies, Chief of Staff and Clerk of the Board of Visitors,
University of Mary Washington
Jeffrey W. McClurken
Professor of History & American Studies, Chief of Staff and Clerk of the Board of Visitors,
University of Mary Washington