15 June 2022
This presentation details the collaboration between the Deree Teaching & Learning Center and an instructional designer for the purpose of responding to faculty needs which emerged during the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) period. During the campus closure TLC organized monthly gatherings which offered instructors the opportunity to resolve common tech issues and acquire new knowledge. These sessions, called Remote Instruction Tips, focused on features of MS Teams and how to create instructional videos while interactivity tools, such as Padlet and Edpuzzle, were also featured. Since Fall 2021 such meetings, renamed Ed Tips, present mostly tools and apps, like MindMeister and Sli.do, which increase student engagement. This presentation, which will be helpful to administrators responsible for faculty development as well as technologists, will outline best practices for effective collaborations across institutional constituents. Based on our own experience, collaborations allow institutions to respond to challenges efficiently and to maintain the efficacy of support systems.