5 May 2018
Room 330 & Gallery
In this lightening talk I would illustrate - through specific examples - how colleagues across the partner institutions of the AMICAL network might develop and sustain new modalities of globally connected “one-world-classrooms”– where teaching happens with the global network sites as contexts of learning.
In an era of unprecedented levels of inequality and forced migration, and increasing mistrust against ‘the other’, there is a critical need for education to affirm the interconnectedness of our lives and the sustainability of our shared planet. I submit that the Amical Network is uniquely poised to rise to the occasion - through design of innovative curricular linkages, educational technologies, and experiential learning opportunities across its peer institutions globally. In this lighting talk, I will highlight a range of possible curricular designs that incorporate varied levels of faculty and student collaborations across partner institutions –underpinned by respective technological needs and pedagogical trade-offs. How can faculty and staff from various AMICAL network institutions collaborate to develop and sustain new modalities of globally connected “one-world-classrooms”? What kinds of curricular framing and technological linkages might optimize such synergies across the AMICAL global network? What are some of the possible “entry points” for such endeavors? The overarching objective of my presentation is to stimulate a purposeful dialogue among AMICAL colleagues about how the global network can be leveraged – through technology and knowledge resources - to teach and learn about some of the most pressing global issues confronting humanity.