Community Idea Exchange
7 May 2018
Room 330 & Gallery
I have received an AMICAL Small Grant to follow a series of online courses in Library Management with Library Juice Academy. I would like to share my impressions on the courses and course provider (offering online professional development for Librarians).
This session will report on the following aspects of the Certificate in Library Management offered by Library Juice Academy: - Course content highlights - Tips and tricks from the courses - Suitability of the asynchronous online teaching - Helpfulness of the documentation provided - Applicability to real life situation - Comparison of the practical aspects of some online training for librarians providers - Challenges
Clélie Riat
e-resources librarian,
UniversitĂ della Svizzera italiana
Session resources
Poster 380.84 KB
Clélie Riat
e-resources librarian,
UniversitĂ della Svizzera italiana