26 May 2023
The Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT) and Libraries and Learning Technologies (LLT) at the American University in Cairo (AUC) have collaborated to transform and redesign the freshmen LALT 1020 course from a face-to-face to a self-paced fully online course. This course is mandatory for all freshmen students at AUC, so approximately 700 students are required to complete it every semester. This project is to achieve one of the university’s missions for creating more online courses, as well as the need for utilizing the Library Faculty’s time and efforts more efficiently providing higher benefit and more directed support for the schools and departments at AUC.
So far, presenters have a) collected data about learners’ perceptions of this course before the redesign project and have incorporated this feedback into the design, b) redesigned the full course to become a self-paced online course and c) designed a prototype module and we are currently collecting feedback data about this prototype.
The purpose of this session is to: 1- showcase the process of redesigning the course content, activities and assessments into engaging online learning experiences, 2- highlight methods for addressing and ensuring accessibility in online courses, 3- highlight the main points of student feedback and how we were able to mediate them in the redesign and 4- showcase the prototype module and share the feedback collected from students.