4 May 2018
Room 304
We’re asking participants to bring their data/problems. We will be prepared to address: Budgets and their relationship to acquisition practices; ILL/DDS platforms, including TIPASA; Alternative approaches to ILL/DDS services; Assessment and staffing; Turnaround times; OA and copyright policies
This mini-workshop will start with presenting the results of the survey conducted by the OCLC Programs Committee in Fall 2017, and then focus on the practical challenges and possible solutions in AMICAL institutions of providing Document Delivery services in the digital era. It will provide a professional development opportunity for librarians responsible for planning, funding and managing of Document Delivery Services. We will discuss the challenges of today’s electronic licensing and DRM environment. The session will be conducted by members of the OCLC Programs committee with a background in Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan. We’re interested in helping participants analyze their DD/ILL challenges and develop solutions, and to receive feedback on how existing OCLC Programs and services are working at their institution.