16 May 2014
Faculty Lounge
Much of contemporary pedagogical theory and practice focuses on the extent to which creative experimentation with multimedia proves effective in helping students meet learning objectives by increasing student engagement. Using as case studies two courses taught in the International Honors Program of DEREE—ACG, this session will focus on the challenges as well as rewards involved in the planning of course assignments that demand creative experimentation through use of multi-media. The Creative Projects initiative of the Honors Program is meant to offer students opportunities to rethink and rearticulate their cognitive responses to course materials by deploying their own chosen creative medium/media to produce creative constructions which occupy spaces. By reinforcing the simultaneous development of critical and creative modes of thought and by encouraging students to develop spatial associations with the object of study, use of creative projects allows students to develop their intellectual potential and to redefine their learning spaces.
Maria Eleni Choli
Themelis Glynatsis
Sophia Kalogeropoulou
Konstantinos Loutas
Helena Maragou
Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
American College of Greece
Ioanna Micha
Giannis Stamatellos
Rhonda Stricklett
Formerly Information LIteracy Librarian,
American University of Sharjah
Maria Eleni Choli
Themelis Glynatsis
Sophia Kalogeropoulou
Konstantinos Loutas
Helena Maragou
Ioanna Micha
Giannis Stamatellos
Rhonda StricklettFormerly Information LIteracy Librarian, American University of Sharjah