16 January 2020
The main goal of this session is to start a discussion on the new wave of teaching Information Literacy to students. Why is this necessary? Among the many arguments is the long-term dispute that library instructors have been using the same teaching methodology over the years. New literacies keep appearing and the main question is how we can accommodate those to the Information Literacy instruction. The focus of this discussion will be on both Information and Digital Literacy and how to form a balanced opinion on whether we can and/or should strike a line between the two literacies. Where does the difference between these two literacies come? Or is there any? Can we teach Information Literacy nowadays without recognizing Digital Literacy? Those and other questions will be discussed during the session and the working group should come up with a fresher concept for teaching Information Literacy in the era of digitization. Gathered input from this session will serve as the foundation of an online resource guide.