15 May 2014
Center for the Arts Auditorium
YBP provides libraries one source for acquiring print and eBooks. In a rapidly changing library environment where digital resources require an increasing amount of attention, adding complexity and pressure to the acquisitions workflow, YBP can assist libraries in streamlining their collection development process. YBP not only readily supplies print titles from around the world through its warehouses in the US and UK, but also offers over 1 million eBooks from a range of aggregators and publisher platforms through one interface and with complete duplication control. Our different approval and notification plans – print only, print preferred, e-only and e-preferred - together with our demand-driven acquisitions program and auxiliary services such as cataloging, physical processing and out of print book search, can be combined to offer libraries the highest levels of productivity with the lowest amount of attention, allowing library staff to focus on other important areas of their daily work.
Yassine Benzinane
David Paredes
Collection Development Manager,
YBP Library Services
Nermine Rifaat
Yassine Benzinane
David Paredes
Nermine Rifaat