To inspire or not to inspire, that is the question!
15 June 2013
Aula Magna Regina
The use of technology in educational communication is encouraging and promoting student-student and instructor-student interaction. However, this form of communication has limitations and drawbacks on instructors as well as on students. Being gregarious and dynamic in face-to-face communication is not a pretext enough for one’s personality to come across in online communication. In fact, the use of technology hinders instructors’ attempts to establish their personas and students might not be able to express themselves either. Nonetheless, considering all the advantages of using technology in communication, the limitations can be overcome by replicating more of what exists in a face-to-face experience. The incorporation of social media will allow individual personalities to enhance the educational experience by giving it more of an authentic, and hence more memorable, touch. In addition, incorporating such elements of social media would make it more appealing to students, and hence contribute for better cohesive communication.