29 May 2015
BAC: Auditorium
Assessment and evaluation of library services is a topic of great interest and concern to academic librarians. Libraries are regularly being asked to justify and be accountable to administration. Attendees can expect to take away some practical strategies to initiate assessment and evaluation projects that lead to data-driven decision-making.
This presentation will cover why and how academic libraries assess services. Daphne Flanagan will focus specifically on assessment projects that range from low-cost feedback mechanisms to more expensive and time-consuming projects. She will talk about the AUS Library’s “Comments, Complaints, and Compliments” feedback service, the implementation of LibQUAL, an ethnographic study, a service point observation project and an initiative to measure research help services. This presentation will highlight ways the AUS Library has used information to make decisions to enhance information services, resources, operations, programs and physical spaces. If you need to learn more about your library and your users these practical solutions may help.
Daphne Flanagan
Formerly University Librarian,
American University of Sharjah
Cendrella Habre
Formerly University Librarian,
Lebanese American University
Session resources
Slides 1.30 MB
Daphne Flanagan
Cendrella HabreFormerly University Librarian, Lebanese American University
Session resources
- Slides 1.30 MB