Lightning talk
15 May 2014
Library – Upper Level
The AUK Library has just recently been involved in social media to communicate with its students, faculty and other stakeholders. Having realized the popularity of the Instagram tool in the State of Kuwait in general, and among the younger generation in particular, the AUK Library has come up with certain strategies or tactics to get students attention to the library resources, services, staff and facilities through the use of the photo sharing app “Instagram”. The presentation will go over the strategies implemented to drag students into library’s social media and so to increase their interaction with the library.
Asma Al-Kanan
University Librarian,
American University of Kuwait
Anastasia Logotheti
Professor; Director, Teaching & Learning Center,
American College of Greece
Asma Al-Kanan
University Librarian,
American University of Kuwait
Anastasia LogothetiProfessor; Director, Teaching & Learning Center, American College of Greece