What faculty want: Panel report on AMICAL faculty use of libraries
Panel presentation
13 June 2013
Aula Magna Regina
- Overview of the project (Nancy Foster)
- Research Needs of AUCA Faculty and Their Vision of an “Ideal” Library – the result of social research
The report will present the result of social research which conducted among AUCA faculty. The research is aimed at identifying the range of AUCA Faculty research projects and understanding how Faculty members use library resources doing research. This research will which libraries and library resources have been used and how AUCA Faculty members use them; to determine benefits and shortcomings of the libraries and library resources used by AUCA Faculty in their most recent and current research projects; and helps to improve collaboration between the library and faculty. - Ethnographic research on faculty needs at CEU
CEU is participating in an ethnographic research on Faculty needs lead by Nancy Foster in the period February-May 2013. We are conducting interviews with 5-10 professors. The questions focus on how the Faculty members use the libraries in their research and teaching and how AMICAL could facilitate faculty collaboration across institutions. - Research Needs of JCU Faculty and Their Vision of an “Ideal” Library – the result of social research
The report will present the result of social research which conducted among JCU faculty. The research is aimed at identifying Faculty research needs and habits to improve collaboration between faculty and library. - Faculty Research needs: are they really covered? The case of the American College of Thessaloniki.
Academic libraries serve as a source of access to knowledge not only for the institution’s course needs, but for faculty research requirements as well. How much material does the collection contain? What services should be offered in order to fulfill the instructors’ personal research needs? Τhe American College of Thessaloniki team, consisting of one faculty, two librarians, and one instructional technologist, participated in the Faculty Research & Libraries Workshop, that took place in January, at John Cabot University, wishing to expand their knowledge on the qualitative research methods. The team interviewed several instructors who are currently working on research projects. This presentation is providing the survey results and the future goals for the Bissell Library. Comparisons with the other three institutions which participated at the workshop, will demonstrate similarities and differences in relation to the relative sizes of the institutions and the respective collection strengths. - Faculty interest in collaboration with AMICAL colleagues (Jeff Gima)
(order of presentations may differ from the list above)
Stella Asderi
Academic Liaison Librarian,
American College of Thessaloniki
Nancy Fried Foster
Senior Anthropologist,
Ithaka S+R
Jeff Gima
AMICAL Consortium Director,
AMICAL Consortium
Galina Gorborukova
Isabella Clough Marinaro
John Cabot University
Eleonora Moccia
Reference & Instruction Librarian,
John Cabot University
Ivett Molnar
Electronic Resources Librarian,
Central European University
Elisabetta Morani
Formerly Head Librarian,
John Cabot University
Livia Piotto
Head Librarian,
John Cabot University
Safia Rafikova
Russell Scragg
Formerly Academic Liaison & Instruction Librarian for Humanities & Social Sciences,
American College of Thessaloniki
Dimitris Tzouris
Information Technologist,
Michigan State University
Nancy Fried Foster
Senior Anthropologist,
Ithaka S+R
Stella Asderi
Academic Liaison Librarian,
American College of Thessaloniki
Nancy Fried Foster
Senior Anthropologist,
Ithaka S+R
Jeff Gima
AMICAL Consortium Director,
AMICAL Consortium
Galina Gorborukova
Isabella Clough Marinaro
John Cabot University
Eleonora Moccia
Reference & Instruction Librarian,
John Cabot University
Ivett Molnar
Electronic Resources Librarian,
Central European University
Elisabetta Morani
Formerly Head Librarian,
John Cabot University
Livia Piotto
Head Librarian,
John Cabot University
Safia Rafikova
Russell Scragg
Formerly Academic Liaison & Instruction Librarian for Humanities & Social Sciences,
American College of Thessaloniki
Dimitris Tzouris
Information Technologist,
Michigan State University
Nancy Fried FosterSenior Anthropologist, Ithaka S+R