We are delighted to announce that we’re looking for dynamic and enthusiastic individuals from across AMICAL to join the Coordinating Committee. The first step is to nominate candidates who wish to advance the consortium’s mission through their work in the committee. We will then hold an election later this summer to identify the three new officers of the next Coordinating Committee. Their term will be from 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2021.
What is the role of the Coordinating Committee?
The Coordinating Committee provides financial and operational oversight by approving policies and directions for the consortium’s activities. The committee itself is comprised of five officers, four of which are elected and the other being the Consortium Director, as well as the chair of each Standing Committee. The five officers are voting members, while the chairs serve in an ex-officio advisory capacity. More details about the work of the committee are available on our site.
Three of the four elected officer positions are open – Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, and Member-at-Large. The current Vice-Chair will take over the Chair position in order to ensure continuity, as described in the Operational Guidelines that regulate the election process.
The general duties of the elected officers are:
- Chair (not up for election): convenes and presides over meetings of both the Members Council and the Coordinating Committee; with committee members, creates an agenda for meetings; in coordination with the Consortium Director, may act as official representative of AMICAL to external groups (other consortia, etc.).
- Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: assists the Chair in the performance of her/his duties; serves as Chair when requested to do so by, or in the absence of, the Chair.
- Secretary: is responsible for maintaining the records of meetings of the Members Council and the Coordinating Committee; ensures the availability of AMICAL documents and communications to all members; assists with maintenance of official lists of member institutions, AMICAL Representatives, AMICAL committee memberships, and other types of contact information for persons and institutions involved with AMICAL.
- Member-at-Large: acts as a voice of membership, ensuring that interests of the general membership are represented in the Coordinating Committee.
How can I nominate myself or someone else?
Nominees must be faculty or staff from a Full Member institution. They do not need to be AMICAL Representatives themselves, but they must be nominated by any AMICAL Representative, who can be from an institution of any status –whether Full, Affiliate or Network. (The consortial status of all member institutions is listed on our site.)
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, you need to request from an AMICAL representative to submit the nomination on your behalf. (They have already received instructions for how to do so.) Note that you must confirm with candidates that they are willing to stand for election before nominating them.
The deadline for representatives to submit nominees is midnight July 31.
When will the elections take place?
The Election Committee will prepare the online ballots and send out a voting link to all eligible representatives to begin the vote in August.
This year’s Elections Committee – Nikolina Ivanova-Bell, Evi Tramantza and Fatmeh Charafeddine – will work closely with all AMICAL members to efficiently organize the election, and address any questions you may have. We are looking forward to welcome our new fellow colleagues in AMICAL’s Coordinating Committee!