AMICAL’s grant committee recently reviewed the 6 Small Grant applications submitted for the current cycle and accepted the following 5:
Title | Applicant | Institution | Category | Activity dates |
“Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2019” - Linked Data for Digital Humanities” (22-26 July 2019) | Razan Zein El-Abidine | American University of Beirut | Professional development | 22-26 July 2019 |
Librarian-faculty team participation in the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2019 | Eleonora Moccia | John Cabot University | Professional development | 22-26 July 2019 |
Diversity at FCC; Working Independently Together | Maida Ali | Forman Christian College | Professional development | 5-9 August 2019 |
Digital Humanities Initiative at FCCU; Employing DH practices for effective learning and teaching | Ayesha Fareed | Forman Christian College | Professional development | 22-26 July 2019 |
BbWorld19, Austin, US, 22-25 July 2019 | Naglaa Seddiek | American University in Cairo | Professional development | 22-25 July 2019 |
Responses have already been sent out to all the applicants.
Next deadline: 8 September
The deadline for the next round of applications is midnight 8 September.
Full information about how to apply, including the scope of the program and the criteria used in reviewing applications, can be found in the Small Grant guidelines.
Find out more at our Q&A sessions
If you’ve read the guidelines but still have questions, we’ll be holding informal half-hour sessions where you can ask questions about your prospective application from AMICAL Administration:
- Tuesday 27 Aug, 14:00–14:30 (Paris time, local time)
- Thursday 29 Aug, 10:00–10:30 (Paris time, local time)
We’ll be on hand to answer questions, listen to your feedback and provide advice for preparing your applications. (You need to register for a session to attend it, but you don’t need to do so in advance.)