Event info
As part of AMICAL’s 2018-2021 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for “Building Leadership and Capacity for Digital Liberal Arts across AMICAL”, a cohort of approximately 15 colleagues from member institutions will be given project support over a period of months centered around group-coordinated participation in the Digital Humanities Institute - Beirut 2019.
This cohort program is being organized along lines similar to last year’s AMICAL cohort to DHSI 2018. The cohort will recruit institution-based teams that are leading projects or initiatives in digital humanities, or digital interdisciplinary scholarship or pedagogy, in liberal arts environments. The cohort of teams will attend DHI-B with financial support from AMICAL, but they will also participate in pre-event and post-event webinars, discussions, and consultations organized by AMICAL. The pre- and post-event activities are designed to maximize the impact of cohort participation on the team’s projects, on their institution, and on AMICAL as a collaborative network.
The institution-based teams will be composed of faculty, librarians, technologists or academic administrators who are engaged in digital humanities projects or initiatives, or who are poised to launch a project or initiative related to digital humanities. Potential applicants should see Who should apply and How to apply for more information.
The DHI-B event
DHI-B 2019, the event we are using as the focus of this year’s digital humanities AMICAL cohort, marks the continuing growth of the American University of Beirut’s regional and consortial leading role in digital humanities scholarship and pedagogy. DHI-B is founded on the principles of co-learning and co-teaching of a community of faculty, students, librarians and instructional designers. It provides digital humanities training with a regional and international focus, while growing locally and regionally anchored communities of practice. This year it is also bringing leaders and workshop instructors from the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (University of Victoria) and several DH practitioners who have influenced AMICAL’s own DH-focused programs. See Cohort-focused elements of DHI-B for more information about program content relevant to the cohort. AMICAL is proud to partner with AUB by co-organizing and providing financial support for the cohort-related aspects of the event.
What is Digital Humanities?
Digital Humanities, commonly associated with scholarly activities at the intersection of humanities and digital technology, is a dynamic field that is constantly developing and changing. A look at some of the definitions pulled from participants from the Day of DH between 2009-2014, for example, bear witness to this field’s interdisciplinarity and reliance on a community of practice where technologists, faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students partner with people in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums to collaboratively work on small-scale or large-scale projects.