Engage students in creative multimedia content production
Mar 21–22, 2014
For AMICAL members only
Event info
Presentation materials
Keynote: Enhancing the Educational Experience of Students through Multimedia Projects — Joan Lippincott
A liberal arts education provides active learning experiences and encourages students to become deeply involved in their learning. This presentation will focus on why and how colleges are working to engage students and deepen learning by employing multimedia assignments in various parts of the curriculum.
Student Multimedia Content Production: An Alternative to Conventional Forms of Assessment — Pandeli Glavanis & Ahmad Zorkani
Student-centered teaching and learning is widely accepted as the most effective pedagogy to be used in Higher Education and has gained tremendous popularity over conventional lecture-based teaching. Similarly the rapid development of educational technology has enabled students to engage with learning in a variety of new and creative ways which enable students to acquire and demonstrate a variety of new skills in the process of learning. Producing multimedia assignments, as an alternative to conventional forms of assessment, is one such area where students can enhance their own individual and group learning experiences by creatively producing new content in their courses. This workshop will evaluate such an experience in undergraduate teaching at AUC and discuss lessons learned.
Wiki Academy Kosovo - Free and Open Source Culture — Daniel Cosentino, Ivana Stevanovic, Driart Elshani & Agon Nimani
Wiki Academy Kosovo is an effort by Kosovar citizens to “improve the quality and quantity of on-line content on Kosovo to better represent Kosovo to the world.” This effort has included support from Wikipedian mentors, scholars and presenters from Kosovo, Serbia, Europe and N.America. A.U.K. student have supported the academy by providing English literacy and leadership in developing logistics and support for content providers and editors. This presentation outlines course related activities that support technological literacy and multimedia production that directly and indirectly support the efforts of Kosovar citizens to participate in free and open source culture.
Greening a Digital Media Course — Antonio Lopez
This workshop explains how an ecological framework was used in the curriculum design of a digital media culture class. It will share how students performed innovative research on the ecological impact of their media gadgets and how they presented their research in the form of a multimedia Prezi and YouTube videos.
Student Panel
CHAIR: Riham Massoud
STUDENTS: Mariam Al Mokadem, Camilla Garder, Fisnik Deshishku & Adonis Gashi -
Panopto (Lecture capture) — Ahmad Zorkani & Tarek Maghraby
Showcasing Software-based recorders that can recognize built in devices such as web-cameras and microphones in a laptop as well as capture anything that is displayed on the computer screen. The presentation will include how Panopto has been used at AUC, as well as how it applies to the context of this workshop.
Prezi -
Top Trends for Technologies in Higher Education — Joan Lippincott
Drawing on recent reports and her own views of the current state of technology in higher education, this presentation will focus on some key trends and will also examine some that are in the news but have yet to find traction.
Moving beyond the research paper: Capturing the process of science through digital narratives — Aziza Ellozy & Maha Shawky [1]
To engage our students with the “process” of science, and to take them beyond the facts and concepts in a ‘Scientific Thinking’ course, we had them create digital narratives about scientific discoveries. This presentation will highlight how the process of researching the topic, creating concept maps and a storyboard, selecting appropriate images and audio components, and weaving these elements together to produce a multimedia narrative encourages students to engage the material in greater depth and with more purpose than reading or writing about it.
[1] This work was done in collaboration with Hoda Mostafa, Associate Professor of Practice at the American University on Cairo
Learning Commons at AUC — Pandeli Glavanis & Riham Masoud
A Student Produced Media Literacy Campaign: From Concept to Completion — Kim Fox & Salma Tarek
This presentation is a case study of a media literacy campaign from concept to completion. The presenter will detail the project requirements, highlight a student produced multimedia media literacy campaign and share insights on assessment of the creative results.
Student produced media literacy campaigns