Feb 25–27, 2018
For AMICAL members only
Event info
Expectations of participants
Participants from AMICAL institutions are expected to commit to the following:
- Post to AMICAL Connect 1-2 paragraphs on your key take-aways or outcomes from the event, within 2 weeks following the institute. Some posts may be selected for republication on AMICAL’s blog.
- Prepare a proposal for a project involving collaboration, within your institution or across AMICAL institutions, in an area related to the institute. The proposal should be shared with the other cohort members within 1 month after the institute. For projects that require funding, you may apply for an AMICAL Small Grant and receive special priority as a project extending the impact of an AMICAL event. Project proposals should:
- be posted on AMICAL Connect
- be no longer than a page
- include a timeline or list of milestones
- include a list of people involved in the project and what they will be contributing
- Take your learning back to your own institution, and have impact through presentations, workshops, newsletters, etc.
- Post to AMICAL Connect, by December 2018, 1-2 paragraphs on the local impact and activities mentioned above. Some posts may be selected for republication on AMICAL’s blog.
- Optional, but strongly encouraged: Consortially, share some of what you have learned or how you have applied it through conference presentations/panels/workshops related to teaching innovation at other AMICAL conferences, webinars, etc. in the year following the institute.