This program allows interested individuals who are not current AMICAL members to maintain or cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship with the AMICAL community. We currently offer two categories of participation for colleagues who worked previously at an AMICAL institution (alumni), or have been major contributors to an AMICAL program, event, or project:
- Friends: For colleagues who wish to stay in touch with the Consortium.
- Partners: For colleagues who wish to continue active participation in the Consortium.
Enrollment in both Friend and Partner programs is free.
- You worked previously at an AMICAL member institution, or have been a major contributor to an AMICAL program, event, or project
- Through previous work at an AMICAL member institution – or as a major contributor to an AMICAL program, event, or project – you have a strong interest in AMICAL’s mission.
- A current AMICAL member or member group is inviting or endorsing your request to become an AMICAL Partner
- You are not currently working for a commercial entity.
- You are not currently working for an organization with a business relationship to AMICAL or its member institutions.
Level of interest/engagement
- want to stay updated on major AMICAL’s activities and news
- are willing to be contacted by other AMICAL members on questions related to their areas of expertise
As for “Friends”, plus you…
- are interested in participating directly and actively in discussions, activities or projects with AMICAL members
- Enrolled in mailing list for AMICAL announcements
- Open invitation to attend the annual AMICAL Conference (all expenses, including registration fee, are your responsibility); limits may be placed on the number of such registrations available, in order to ensure adequate space for current AMICAL members.
As for “Friends”, plus…
- Account on select AMICAL communication platforms for discussion with AMICAL members (this may be restricted to specific channels pertinent to your partnering role with AMICAL)
Engagement expectations
- When attending an AMICAL event, participate actively and constructively, with the understanding that the primary target audience for the event is AMICAL members.
- Respond to AMICAL colleagues who contact you with a question related to your area of expertise, providing help or information to the extent you are able and available to do so.
As for “Friends”, plus you commit to…
- contributing actively to AMICAL discussions or activities
- discussing, at the invitation of AMICAL staff or member group, the possibility of offering a webinar or workshop with AMICAL members as the primary audience
- not sharing outside of AMICAL any information shared in AMICAL Connect or other closed AMICAL communication channels (unless permission is granted by those concerned)
- keeping the ultimate focus on AMICAL or its members when proposing any collaborative projects or activities
- respecting generally, in your participation in AMICAL’s communication platforms and activities, their intended aim of furthering AMICAL’s mission.
- Partners will be sent an annual message asking them to to confirm they are still eligible and willing to undertake the requirements/responsibilities.
How to request Friend or Partner status
Submit the request form, indicating:
- Job title and institution name at the AMICAL member institution where you worked
- Contact information
Submit the request form, indicating:
- Past partnerships with AMICAL members
- Anticipated future partnerships with AMICAL members
- Contact information for the AMICAL colleague or group who is endorsing your application
- Contact information
Partner requests are approved by AMICAL’s Coordinating Committee.
The information above may occasionally be modified. In the event of significant changes, Friends or Partners will be notified.