The deadline for registration is 2 March 2023 at 23:59, Paris time.
Table of contents
Who should attend
This year’s conference will give particular focus to colleagues who see themselves as change agents, intending to have a broad impact on their institution or the consortium in the areas of libraries, academic technology and pedagogy. These colleagues may include:
- library directors
- faculty development coordinators
- writing center coordinators
- instruction librarians
- faculty
- instructional technologists and designers
- coordinators of First Year Experience programs
- IT directors
- academic leadership
- leaders of AMICAL committees, projects, and initiatives
The program will be of special interest to colleagues interested in collaborating with their peers across AMICAL, or who can inform that collaborative work in some way.
The schedule of sessions will give you an idea of topics that will be addressed and some of the colleagues you’ll be able to interact with at this year’s conference.
If you’re not an AMICAL member, note that a limited number of guest attendees can be accommodated, by invitation. Contact us before registering, indicating how AMICAL and its mission relate to you and your institution.
Register to attend
Beware of “travel agency” scams
We have had reports of “travel agencies” contacting expected conference attendees, offering to help book their travel. The one that some of our members have been contacted by is “Traveller Point”, but there may be others. These are not affiliated with either AMICAL or Al Akhawayn University and seem to be some form of scam or phishing attempt. For any information related to the conference, always refer to our website, which will be kept up-to-date, and email if you’re in doubt about anything you are sent.
In booking your accommodation, you should only use the methods we’ve indicated on the AMICAL 2023 Accommodation page. In booking your airfare, you should only book a ticket with a service or agency that you are familiar with and trust.
Make sure to check if you need a visa and what the process of acquiring one is for your nationality. Most participants will not require one, but those who do should get started right away on the process.
The Financial support page explains the support being offered at various levels to help enable conference attendance for AMICAL members.
Due to limited space, registration will use a priority system.
- Those with the following roles, whose presence is needed for the conference program, have registration slots reserved for them:
- Program Committee members
- Speakers in the conference program
- Project Incubator team members
- Participants in AMICAL’s 2022-2023 Digital Liberal Arts Cohort programs (Digital Collaborations or Digital Oral History)
- AMICAL Coordinating Committee officers
- AMICAL Representatives
- Library directors
- Additional attendees will be accepted by order of registration, giving priority to directors/coordinators of areas targeted by the event:
- Faculty development / centers for learning & teaching
- Writing centers/programs
- Information literacy (library instruction) programs
- First-Year Experience programs
- Academic technology
- Instructional design