Event info
AMICAL is organizing coordinated participation by a member-cohort in DHSI 2018, the Digital Humanities Summer Institute to be held in June 2018 at the University of Victoria, in British Columbia, Canada.
Our AMICAL cohort will be composed of teams from member institutions, as well as consortial leaders working on group-level programs. The cohort’s attendance at DHSI will be partially financed by AMICAL, through our grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and cohort members will participate in pre-event and post-event online meetings and discussions designed to maximize the impact of team projects at their institutions and across AMICAL.
The institution-based teams will be composed of faculty, deans, librarians or technologists who are engaged in digital humanities projects or initiatives, or who are poised to launch a project or initiative related to digital humanities. The teams should be formed around projects: each team should have a goal either to develop a curriculum-related digital humanities project, or to develop some form of local institutional support for the digital humanities. Potential applicants should see Who should apply? and How to apply for more information.
A small group of AMICAL leaders, including representatives from AMICAL’s Administration and from relevant committees, such as our Digital Scholarship Committee, will accompany the member teams to DHSI. Their role will be to organize and support the member teams’ participation and project goals while using DHSI to improve consortium-level plans for supporting the digital humanities.
AMICAL and its Digital Scholarship Committee continuously seek opportunities that support capacity-building related to digital scholarship across the consortium. The Digital Humanities Summer Institute was identified because of the quality, relevant focus and substantial depth of its courses, and because of the opportunity for peer networking within an event that combines a North American intellectual environment with international participation.
What is Digital Humanities?
Digital Humanities, commonly associated with scholarly activities at the intersection of humanities and digital technology, is a dynamic field that is constantly developing and changing. A look at some of the definitions pulled from participants from the Day of DH between 2009-2014, for example, bear witness to this field’s interdisciplinarity and reliance on a community of practice where technologists, faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students partner with people in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums to collaboratively work on small-scale or large-scale projects.