Event info
How to apply
To apply to join the AMICAL cohort to DHSI 2018:
- Read carefully Who should apply?, Expectations of participants, and the application criteria below
- Form your team: clarify your project and the core people needed to drive it forward, make sure they fit the profiles discussed above, make sure that all team members agree to the “Expectations of participants”, and select a team coordinator for communicating with AMICAL about your participation
- Review the DHSI 2018 course offerings
- Preview the application form and prepare your responses (if you have any questions about this initiative or the application process, don’t hesitate to ask us at contact@amicalnet.org)
- Send your application to your provost (or the academic dean most relevant to your group and project) for their review and endorsement. They may only endorse one team per institution. (Exceptions will only be made in the case of deans themselves, or others in academic leadership positions, applying in addition to a local team).
- The provost/dean should send the team’s application to contact@amicalnet.org by midnight 31 October.
Selecting DHSI courses
See the DHSI 2018 course offerings to identify specific courses that would be relevant to your project. Each funded team member will enroll in one week-long course, plus a 1-day short workshop if desired. Team members may enroll in different courses if this serves their project best, but all courses should fall in the same 1-week period if possible, to facilitate interaction as a team.
In exceptional cases, 2 week-long courses may be possible, but the need for the additional course should be clearly explained in the application. The team’s institution is responsible, in any case, for paying the registration fees for any courses enrolled.
Feel free to reach out to the Cohort Organizers if you would like suggestions or feedback on which courses to select. If you have not discussed your courses beforehand with the Cohort Organizers, they may also suggest modifications to your course selection when accepting an application.
Criteria for review of applications
Eligibility criteria and targeted profiles are discussed under Who should apply?
In addition, applications should:
- Describe their project and their team, clearly articulating the following elements:
- The goal of the project, including a statement of the problem or need the project will address
- The role and expected contributions of each of the team members in relation to the project (only those with a substantial and sustained role in the project should apply to participate in the cohort)
- A list of stakeholders who affect or are impacted by their project
- A description of major requirements, or likely challenges, that will need to be met for the project to succeed
- A timeline, even if provisional, showing dates by which intermediate goals will be achieved, both pre- and post-DHSI
- Relate DHSI to their project, explaining how DHSI will help the project to address the needs or challenges described above and to succeed in meeting its goal. In particular, applications should:
- Indicate what specific course(s) the team members intend to enroll in, and how these courses relate to their project and its objectives
- Indicate any other goals the team has in participating in DHSI, not directly related to the courses
In cases where qualifying applications exceed the number slots available, applications may be evaluated in terms of equitable support across the consortium.
Review of applications
Applications will be reviewed, according to the criteria above, by the AMICAL DHSI Cohort Organizers:
- Jeff Gima (AMICAL Director)
- Alex Armstrong (AMICAL Web Developer and Digital Strategist)
- Najla Jarkas (Senior Lecturer, AUB; representing AMICAL’s Digital Scholarship Committee)